If the 17 million people who confessed that they drive drunk had a state of their own, it would be the United States’ fifth largest state, notes MADD, or Mother’s Against Drunk Driving. And drunk driving costs each adult in our country nearly $500 annually.
The drunk driver who hit your car and caused your injuries has, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control,* driven drunk on average about 80 times before getting arrested for a first-time DWI.
Odds are that the drunk driver who hit your car caused the crash. When a drunk driver has hit your car, their insurance company is meant to pay for the damages.
Damages in this case can include the medical treatment that you and others injured will need, the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged car and other material items in the car, and the damages related to pain and suffering that happened as a result of the trauma. As well, the driver will be charged with a DWI.
If, however, the impaired driver was uninsured or underinsured, you will request payment from your own insurance company. Hopefully, you have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. As well, you can still sue the drunk driver for damages.
It may also be possible to track down the person who gave the drunk driver alcohol and sue them under what is called Dram Shop laws. These laws state that if a bartender or other person who is in a position of selling or serving alcohol serves the alcohol to someone who is clearly and by all reasonable standards drunk, and that drunk person causes an accident, the person or organization that served or sold him the alcohol in the first place can also be sued for damages.
When you are dealing with recovering from a trauma such as a drunk driving accident, a personal injury attorney experienced in fighting for the rights of the injured can help.
Contact the Weber & Nierenberg Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys
The personal injury attorneys at the Weber & Nierenberg law firm are experienced in protecting the rights of people injured in drunk driving crashes. Our law firm represents clients throughout the Northern California and San Francisco Bay Area. We will work hard and competently to obtain complete compensation for your injuries and losses. Call
866-288-6010 today.
We represent clients in personal injury cases on a contingency basis; you pay no attorney fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf.
* (Centers for Disease Control. “Vital Signs: Alcohol-Impaired Driving Among Adults — United States, 2010.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. October 4, 2011.) – See more at: http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/about/drunk-driving-statistics.html#sthash.NQBAd4CW.dpuf)