In California, a recent court ruling has made it illegal to use apps like Google Maps on your smartphone while the driver is driving. This is similar to the illegal activity of texting while driving, when there is no hands free solution. The theory behind this ruling is supported by the argument that map applications on smartphones are different from other distractions. However, critics find that these smartapps are no different from other distractions you use in the car such as car-based GPS systems that get clipped to the car dashboard, climate control or audio systems, changing CDs, or reading printed out map directions. Read more.
Personal injuries can include serious and catastrophic losses. An experienced personal injury attorney can help someone injured in accidents that cause these types of losses. These losses include brain and spinal cord injury, broken bones, paralysis, scarring and disfigurement, as well as amputation or loss of limb. In California, uninsured motorist claims cover a victim’s personal injury claim up to the limits of your policy if the at-fault driver in an car accident was either an uninsured or underinsured motorist, or if the victim was injured in a hit and run accident with uninsured or underinsured insurance coverage.
The attorneys at Weber & Nierenberg have almost 70 years of combined experience in the area of personal injury. Make sure you have an understanding of your rights if you have been injured in an accident. Contact the law office of Weber and Nierenberg to set up an appointment for a free consultation at 1-866-288-6010.