Committed to Protecting Your Rights Following Drug-Related Auto Accidents
When a car accident occurs, drunk driving tests are routine. They are also simple. Police officers are trained in the use of breath test devices, and police labs are usually equipped to quickly analyze blood and urine samples.
Auto accidents become complicated, however, when drugged driving is suspected. Why? The effects of many legal and illegal drugs on drivers’ ability to operate vehicles are unknown. Also, police are less equipped to react to and investigate drugged driving.
The difficulty of determining drugs’ role in car accidents is coupled with a significant increase of drugged driving nationally. A study cited by the organization Stop Drugged Driving indicates that drugs are present “more than 7 times as frequently as alcohol among weekend nighttime drivers in the U.S., with 16% testing positive for drugs, compared to 2% testing at or above the legal limit for alcohol”. Another study, conducted by the Maryland Shock Trauma Center in 2009, revealed that two-thirds more individuals tested positive for illegal drugs compared to alcohol following accidents.
If you or a loved one were injured in a car or truck accident in California, it is important that you contact a law firm that 1) can determine whether drugged driving contributed to or caused the accident, and 2), has the skills and knowledge to effectively pursue the compensation you are owed.
The attorneys of the law firm of Weber & Nierenberg have handled numerous cases involving drunk driving and drugged driving. We bring almost 27 years of experience to clients in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. We can knowledgeably investigate your injury claim or the wrongful death claim of a loved one and hold negligent parties responsible. To contact Weber & Nierenberg for a no-charge consultation, please call 1-866-288-6010.